submission to the unknown as pleasure.

Jillian Adel is an artist, Hermetic practitioner and archetypal reader based in Los Angeles, CA. Her practice uses esoteric systems, astrology and divination through cards to empower individuals’ inner knowing in communion with the natural cycles of life. Her study of the Western Mysteries, experience walking the artist path, and passion for destigmatization of sex, death, and suicidal ideation inform her practice and make her particularly adept at reading for those navigating significant life transitions, path shifts, and karmic relationships.

She is currently available for her signature ARCHETYPAL LIFE PATH READINGS and TAROT READINGS, both one-on-one and on an event basis.

Archetypal Life Path Readings

ARCHETYPAL LIFE PATH READINGS use both tarot and your astrological natal chart to discern information about your aligned, purpose-driven work in this life. This signature offering has been intuitively developed through deep study of archetypes through Hermetic philosophy, tarot and astrology. It uses tarot as an entry point into your natal chart, and draws lines that allow narratives to emerge about your soul’s path that can be used to provide clarity and direction as you navigate.

The reading is a written work-up, with an accompanying one hour integration over Google Meet. The reading is accessible to those with no personal knowledge of tarot or astrology, while also providing immense amounts of depth to even the most advanced practitioners. While providing its own synthesis and takeaways, this reading also provides a foundation for the querent to begin working with their own personal archetypes in this special and juicy way. It is a tool that provides information and values for years to come.

ARCHETYPAL LIFE PATH READINGS are available to book on their own, or in conjunction with a TAROT READING. The ARCHETYPAL READING provides a larger template of information, while a TAROT READING is a look at the energetic structure of the moment, and a more flexible conversation with your guides. The two readings together inevitably speak to each other and provide a maximum amount of information in a moment to truly inform any mysteries a querent may be exploring.


Tarot readings can provide clarity on any, or multiple, areas of interest or concern by way of divination through cards.

Tarot provides an energetic portrait that opens up a conversation with your spiritual guidance team and provides insight, clarity, and actionable tools in areas of interest. The aim is to share clear and healing messages that will be most helpful for a querent to hear in the moment of the reading to align to their highest empowerment.