Venus in Virgo
deck: leonora carrington
as venus moves into virgo, we sit with the empress and the hermit. venus and virgo. the 3 and the 9. our sense of what we value and appreciate and desire to create with mutable earth, the finality of grounding. virgo's decans also correspond to the 8, 9 and 10 of pentacles, the last three cards of the minor arcana in the suit of earth, confirming fulfillment in the material world.
before the 8 of pentacles, we have the 7 of pentacles. an assessment of investments. when we look at what is in front of us, physically, do we like what we see in relation to the long term? maybe venus in leo, a place where our hearts had no issue expressing themselves and what they desired, we learned a bit about this for ourselves. and now, moving into the 8 of pentacles, and into the wrapping up of a cycle, we might ask: what have we learned about our morals and values, about what brings us pleasure and joy, about our relationships with ourselves and those around us, that allow us now to bring a renewed committment to what we are building and finish the job? when we know what is important to us (and therefore, naturally, what is not) we find easeful flow to put in the work and finally see the fruits of our labor embodied around us, bringing us both independence and abundance to our families and communities.
this ingress happens on a day that, when added together, equals 2. corresponding to the sphere of chokmah, or wisdom, on the tree of life, we see a connection to the hermit who carries the lamp of wisdom. and to an evolution of our venusian qualities and priorities.
i offer the spread below to reflect on what our venusian evolution is grounding in for the duration of this transit.
art: jillian adel
what have i learned about what i value and am ready to commit to diligent work towards?
how does this bring me independence and ultimate material fulfillment?
how do these values and this work contribute to my ultimate vision of stability in family and community?
deck: klimt